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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exodus 2 Moses Is Born & Rescued

Moses's parents, Jochebed and Amram, are married and give birth to their son during the time of Pharoah's cruel law to murder all Hebrew baby boys.  I remember the story from Sunday School as a little girl, when Moses' mother makes a basket, waterproofs it and hides the baby on the Nile River among the many reeds.  The baby's sister, Miriam, watches over the baby until the baby is spotted by the Egyptian princess who has compassion and instant love for the little helpless baby.  Miriam approaches her about finding a nurse for the baby among the Hebrew women and the princess quickly agrees AND offers to pay the woman to take care of the baby.  Of course, Miriam runs and gets her mom, Moses' mom, and thus Moses' life is spared.  I am a mother and I can only imagine the joy and the relief of that mother!  The family is reunited.  Moses grows up in the palace, with an Egyptian upbringing and education, even if with a Hebrew heritage.

The Bible doesn't tell us if Miriam, the sister, was afraid to approach the princess or if the princess was leery of the Hebrew girl.  What we do know is that Miriam saw an opportunity and she took it.  We are sometimes faced with opportunities that come our way unexpectedly.  Sometimes we take advantage of them and sometimes we do not.  I have done both.  Sometimes I have let the fear of what might happen keep me from pursuing the opportunity when what I should have done was to thank God for the opportunity and to trust Him.  We can never know how many lives could be affected by our missed opportunities.  I live with chronic illness now and I struggle.  I cannot see past my troubles at times.  I worry about what I cannot do anymore and let it paralyze me from doing things I can do now.  I ask you to pray for me and with me about that.  My prayer is that God will help me to see opportunities He wants me to grab on to, that He will help me FOCUS on Him and trust Him for the outcome.   I think that may be all God needs for Him to do His work in me.  I consider this blog to be one of those opportunities.

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