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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exodus 3 Unexpected Communication

Another story from Sunday School days is the one about "The Burning Bush."  The time has arrived and God is about to have Himself a little talk with our friend, Moses.  It happens one day when Moses is out driving his sheep, into the wilderness of the Sinai mountain (also the mountain where he would one day soon receive God's Ten Commandments!)  Big difference from life in the Egyptian palace, huh?  He must have been quite humbled by then.  While Moses is there, God appears in the form of a burning bush.  The thing was on fire yet it wasn't consumed.  Not only was the thing on fire, it was talking.  Moses investigated and there he met God.  Just the two of them.  The ground was so holy because of the presence of God that God Himself told Moses to remove his shoes--which he did.  God identifies Himself and informs Moses that is the man God has chosen to lead His chosen people, the Israelites, out of bondage in Egypt and back to their own land. 

God uses many ways to speak to the people of the Bible, but also to us.  He is God, after all.  He can do it anyway He wants to.  I believe He uses the Bible, people, places, things, thoughts, experiences, and music to speak to me.  Perhaps to you, too.  I may not always recognize it as "GOD" at the time, but I can look back now and see things along the path I've taken that were the direct hand of God in my life.  Music is a big one for me.  I am a pianist, sometimes a vocalist.  He can use lyrics, or a particular song, or a phrase of music to get through to me.  I have learned over time to listen to this--it's NOT a coincidence if a song pops in my head that reminds me of somebody or something that relates to what I may be going through at the time.  It's not even always Christian music, though sometimes it certainly is.  It's subtle but clear to me even  if makes no sense to anyone else but God and me.  How does God get your attention?  I'd love to hear.  Maybe you think, "He doesn't talk to me."  Yes, He does.  Are YOU listening close enough?  And if you're wondering where to start, begin with His Word.  Read it.  Study it.  Pray it.  You'll be amazed at the things that will come to you by way of thoughts, memories, questions.  Seek Him.  You'll find Him.  He promised.

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