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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exodus 2 Moses Kills an Egyptian

Moses may have been raised an Egyptian, but he was a Hebrew by birth.  The slavery and cruelty to the people of his heritage was more than he could bear.  So one day when he sees an Egyptian beating one of his fellow Hebrews, he looks around to see if anyone is watching and he kills the Egyptian and buries him in the sand.  The next day he finds out someone did see him and he goes on the run.  He ends up in Midian.

Moses tried to make sure no one was watching him.  Aren't we all guilty of that at times?  We mistakenly think we can get away with something and sooner or later it catches up with us, just like it did with Moses.  Of course, God sees and knows everything.  Even if our sinful ways do not come to light during our lifetime, we will still have to face God and His judgment of our actions (and, uh, that includes our motives).  Thank God that He forgives us of our sins and cleanses us from all our nasty unrighteousness if we will just confess our sins and ask His forgiveness. 

It also gladdens my heart to know that if God can forgive Moses for killing a man and then use him with the important task He assigned to Moses that God can use me, too.  Even with all my flaws.

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