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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exodus 3 "I Am That I Am"

From Exodus 3:

13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?

14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.

Moses is finding out what his life's purpose is.  He is full of doubt and fear.  He's afraid the people won't believe him or accept him.  And he is in the process of raising all kinds of objections to God about it.  But God knew the future.  So He told Moses what would happen.  The elders of Israel would accept Moses' message.  The king of Egypt would be a problem, but God through a series of events (plagues) would handle that.  The Egyptians would utlimately be GLAD to see the Israelites go.  They would be so glad they would shower the Hebrew people with articles of silver, gold, fine clothing.  This would be God's way of stripping the Egyptians of their wealth.  After all, they treated God's chosen people badly.  There was a price to pay for that.  (Later on those items would be used to build God's Tabernacle--Ex. 35:5, 22).

While Moses is dreading and bemoaning his mission, God is telliing him how it's going to go down.  God has Moses' back.  God has Israel's back.  God has this. 

I know that God has my future.  No, He hasn't told me what it's going to be yet, but I have faith that it is in His hands.  Any believer can trust God with his or her future because God already KNOWS what's going to happen.

When Moses asked God, who shall I say is sending me to do this, God told him, "I Am That I Am" (KJV).  "I Am has sent me to you."  He told Moses to tell the people what God had just told Moses from the burning tell them what he saw and heard.  Like a witness on the witness stand. 

Our God is a God who acts and speaks.  I have learned that one of the most convincing ways that I can talk to someone else about God is to tell them what He has done for me--after all I am the best witness of that, am I not?  Sometimes I share what I have seen or heard He has done in someone else's life or even what He did for the people in the Bible, like Moses.   I don't think I've been ashamed to share what God has done for me but I have been afraid.  I have grown enough and learned enough and seen enough and heard enough now to overcome that, with God's help, of course.  There has never been a time in my life that people needed to hear about God more than right now in the times we live in.  We cannot be afraid or ashamed.  God is power and only His power can overcome the evil in the world today.  And I believe we are living in the end times.  Time is running out. 

God has told us to spread the Word.  That's one of the most important reasons I have to be writing this, praying that someone will read it and be blessed, inspired, helped, whatever God can do with it.  It doesn't seem like much to me right now, but that isn't for me to be the final judge.  He is who he IS and HE will do the rest.  In the meantime, like Moses, it would seem that I have work to do...chronically ill or not. 

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